The Color of Life

The Color of Life

by Rosalyn Marhatta

She crayoned the sky into existence
as magenta clouds, turquoise air and orange stars
and tossed up a ball of clay
to make mountains erupt into a symphony.
Her laughter broke sound waves
and crunched ice into clouds.
The planet Jupiter spoke encyclopedias to her
and stars asked her advice on how to grow a tail on a comet.
Then God lifted her up for a kiss on the cheek.

-refers from the word “orange” in Annmarie Lockhart’s poem Red, White & Blue

  1. This was oh so beautiful and colorful, Rosalyn! Thank you!

  2. Rosalyn Marhatta

    Thanks so much. That means a lot.

  3. This is beautiful and deep, good job Rosalyn.

  4. Jeanette Gallagher

    You have painted a masterful picture of life and how it can be lifted from the mundane to the heavens. Beautiful work, Rosalyn.

  5. So pleased to see you poem here!

    It’s lovely, Rosalyn; wonderful visual images. Your concluding line is perfect.

  6. I love reading this as a view on a budding artist. Great visual imagery and lovely language in this wonderful poem!

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